Tribute to John Hartford Coming up in Owensboro January 31st- February 1st

Howdy Folks, Howdy.

I’ve been absent from this page for a while, partly due to work and partly because I’m having a bit of a time navigating the website. Apparently everything has a learning curve that comes with it and I’m not always a mind to dive into one more thing. So, a lot has happened since last Spring but I’ll just let that lay there without a lot of details. I worked 8 camps all over the country, did a bunch of gigs/concerts and wrote a lot of tunes that I like pretty well. I’ll be staying put this year for the Christmas holidays instead of romping off across the continents. Each day that rolls around I’m happy to still be alive and functioning for the most part.

There’s some stuff coming up in the new year (which will soon be upon us). It’s sneaked up on me and now it’s time to start gathering up receipts and getting ready to give the government back some of the cash I made over the past 12 months. But maybe I can hold off. I hear we’re not going to have income taxes anymore. Yeah, right.

Still wanting to buy a house and get my little recording setup in place and put a bunch of these tunes down and out. They ain’t doing anybody any good just sitting here. I’ve been making an effort to stop paying attention to what everybody else is up to and just take care of my own business. It’s hard. Period. But speaking of business, here’s a little something that just came in that I’m looking forward to. Ya’ll check it out…

Chase down the info pertaining to this big nice color illustration/Graphic so chase it down using the link above. While you’re doing that I’ll go work on finishing one of the last couple tunes. Stay tuned. More coming…

Life is good.


Mike Compton