12 Annual Monroe Mandolin Camp, Lake Junaluska Conference Center, NC
12:00 PM12:00

12 Annual Monroe Mandolin Camp, Lake Junaluska Conference Center, NC

  • Lake Junaluska Conference Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Welcome to the 12th Annual MonManCamp, where original, traditional, driving Bluegrass music is taught, played, and jammed!


www.monroemandolincamp.com to register

Sept 10-14, 2025

Lake Junaluska Conference Center, NC

Instructors include: Mike Compton, Alan Bibey, Alan Munde, Mark Hembree, Brian Christianson, Jake Eddy, John Keith, Silas Powell, Jeremy Wanless, Tony Williamson, Will Kimble, and more.

Lodging onsite as well as hot catered meals, gourmet coffee and snacks throughout the day.

Friends from around the world come to celebrate this music, and to learn from the masters.

monroemandolincamp.com for more information!

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11th Annual Monroe Mandolin Camp, SWVAHEC, Abingdon, VA
to Sep 8

11th Annual Monroe Mandolin Camp, SWVAHEC, Abingdon, VA

  • Southwest VA Higher Education Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

www.monroemandolincamp.com for all details and to register

The theme for year 11 is “The Old Lonesome Sound of the 70’s and 80’s”, and reflects a very intoxicating slice of Monroe’s repertoire that illustrates his fascination with major, minor, and modal sounds and how they work with both Major and minor chord forms.  Some of Bill’s most beautiful and intricate works lie here in this slice of his career.  Many are 3 and 4-part instrumentals such as “Ebenezer Scrooge”, “Trail of Tears”, “Land of Lincoln”, and so many more.  Bill mined these ideas on into the last years of his life, so we have plenty to work with.

The MMC instructors are stellar once again, with some new faces that we’re sure you’ll be mighty happy to learn from, then sit side-by-side in the jams.  I once heard an old street musician refer to some fellow players he knew as being ‘tried and qualified’, and I can promise you this group fits that description in spades.  We have plenty of classes to choose from no matter what your musical inclination, and a few special presentations that you’ll want a front row seat.  And as an added bonus, the pig roast looks like it’s going to happen this year, so bring a bib and an appetite!

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MUSIC DIRECTOR/INSTRUCTOR: 10th Annual Monroe Mandolin Camp, Abingdon, VA
to Sep 24

MUSIC DIRECTOR/INSTRUCTOR: 10th Annual Monroe Mandolin Camp, Abingdon, VA

  • Southwest VA Higher Education Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

www.monroemandolincamp.com to register and all details!

This year the focus is on the Hard Edged High Lonesome Sound from 1950-1958!

Instructors include: Mike Compton, John Reischman, Tim Stafford, Aynsley Porchak, Lincoln Hensley, Beth Lawrence, John Keith, Jeff Burke, Paul Duff, Will Kimble, The Tennessee Bluegrass Band, Daniel Patrick.

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